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Climate of Uttar Pradesh

The climate of Uttar Pradesh is generally defined to be tropical monsoon type. In other words Uttar Pradesh has a humid subtropical climate with the experiences of four seasons.

1. Winter Season / Cold Weather Season (January and February)

2. Summer season/ Pre-monsoon season/ Hot weather season/ Thunderstorm season (March, April and May)

3. South-west Monsoon/ Summer Monsoon (June, July, August and September)

4. Post-monsoon or Northeast monsoon or Retreating SW Monsoon season (October, November and December)

In UP , temperatures fluctuating anywhere from 0 °C to 50 °C in several parts of the state and cyclical droughts and floods due to unpredictable rains, the summers are extremely hot, winters cold and rainy season can be either very wet or very dry.

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